Warming up in Hawaii

We found an incredibly good deal on flights to Hawaii from Japan, so we decided we had to stop there on our way home. We basked in the warmth for a week, relaxing in Waikiki and exploring Maui.

Waikiki was the perfect place to defrost after winter in Japan. Initially we stuck out – not only had we forgotten our Hawaiian shirts, but our puffy jackets and beanies were clearly out of place. After changing into more island appropriate clothes, we headed out to: the movie theater! (Did you think I was going to say the beach?) Free Solo had been out for days and our need to watch this climbing documentary eclipsed all other desires. It was epic.

Eventually we made it to the beach and hiked the Diamond Head crater and were rewarded with a lovely view.

The view of Waikiki/Honolulu from Diamond Head

We arrived in Maui eager to explore the island. Luckily our hosts and friends provided us with a long list of adventures to keep us busy. We hiked, snorkeled, and practiced yoga on the beach. One day we took a road trip along the beautifully scenic drive to Hana, stopping to appreciate stunning views and snack on famous banana bread and vegan coconut ice cream!

A chicken crossed the bridge
On the road to Hana, the cliffs are SO green!
Waves battering the broken coastal lava field


Microclimates on the island mean that on this side, savannah reigns instead of rainforest
Shadows at sunset on the far side of the island

We were fortunate to be visiting while many humpback whales were present, having made the long journey from Alaska. Whale breaching was visible from shore, but we took a boat out to get a closer look. Within minutes of setting off, two whales breached with perfectly synchronized flips! The remainder of the tour was just as special, and I managed to avoid feeling too seasick. Yay!

A whale breaches off of the coast of Maui

The highlight of our time in Maui was probably the lunar eclipse. We drove to the top of Haleakala, and after being treated to a breathtaking sunset, we turned the other way and set up high-powered binoculars to view the eclipse. The pairing of crazy volcanic landscape, the eclipse, no light pollution for stargazing, and a picnic dinner made for a perfect night.

Time lapse of the lunar eclipse from the summit of Haleakala

We are super grateful to our hosts in Maui – there is nothing like good conversation and shared meals to make a beautiful place feel extra special. While it was hard to leave island life behind, we were excited to see our friends (and the bunnies) in LA. We have learned a great deal on this journey, but one of the most important lessons is that life together is always an adventure. On the flight, we reflected on our memories of the year, the wonderful people we have met, and the challenges we have overcome. The adventure continues!

Title image: Lahaina on Maui from the whalewatching boat

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