Closing 2018 in Japan

We returned to Japan in late December just in time for Christmas to spend the holidays with Alan’s family. Although we had not expected to return so soon, and although the circumstances for doing so were not ideal, spending New Years as a family was wonderful.

A mosquito took me down. After an amazing week in Tonsai, I got a fever, and after some complications, I had the unique opportunity to test out the Thai hospital system and our travel insurance.

I think that when we reach our lows in life, we realize how lucky we are to have people around us who care. Melanie was by my side and helped me through the whole process – taking care of me emotionally and physically, literally doing the heavy lifting. My mom called me every day, and spread the word among our friends, from whom I received so many encouraging messages (Initially I was a bit annoyed that she told everyone I was sick, but…). These acts of love and kindness made such a difference to me as the days passed. All of the hospital staff were so kind, and while communication was somewhat limited, their smiles and encouragement as I recovered were definitely tangible.

Even though the whole experience generally sucked, one amazing thing is that my Japanese family was united for the holidays in Japan. After I was discharged, we flew back to obaachan‘s house in Nagoya, where my parents and sister stayed with us. We did some fun stuff like tour the Toyota factory and visit Kyoto. Then, for new years, my aunt, uncle, and cousins traveled from Tokyo to join us. We shared stories and osechi (Japanese New Year’s food), rang in the new year at the local temple, and enjoyed each others’ company. My grandma lovingly referred to the family reunion as a typhoon passing through her house (she lives alone) and told us about the last time so many people were over, decades ago. We started 2019 with a family breakfast at a local hotel.

Looking back on 2018, Melanie and I have been so lucky. Our days were filled with exploration, and we got climb all over the world. Equally important as adventure, however, has been the growth of our relationships – with each other, with strangers we’ve met, our friends, and our family.

We’re looking forward to the new adventures and friendships of 2019 – to all of you who have been following along, happy new year and we’re so grateful to know you!

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