
We arrived in Brussels without much of an itinerary in mind, but it ended up being the perfect bridge between Germany and France. The city is fun and compact, allowing us to explore it largely on foot. We admired the architecture, we found all of the “Pis” statues, and drank plenty of good Belgian beers. We even met up with one of Alan’s old friends from home, who lives in a nearby town!

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Buenos Aires

Our four days in Buenos Aires were filled with great food (empanadas, pizza, pasta, dessert!) and lot of beautiful parks and plazas. We wandered the busy streets and quaint neighborhoods (and got a bit sweaty because it was HOT). We stopped to watch tango dancers in a plaza (a milonga), and strolled through a gorgeous rose garden. Buenos Aires has many theaters, and we enjoyed an outdoor showing of the ballet Sleeping Beauty on the plaza of Teatro Colon (at least until our stomachs started grumbling). We also visited a theater which had been converted into a huge bookstore! Before leaving for the airport on our last day, we visited a local bouldering gym, where the friendly owner demonstrated tricky beta in his flip flops. After working up an appetite, we stopped in a cute cafe and shared an eggplant milanesa sandwich! The owner asked us for a note on his brand new white lockers, and we left a bit of Venice for him. All in all, we had a great time in the capital! 

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In Between

Four weeks of friendship and downsizing have passed, and we’re on our way to Argentina! Our time in between established life and definitive fluidity featured trips along the Eastern Sierra and also to Goodwill and the Post Office. Throughout this time, we were constantly reminded that we have a family in Los Angeles that we will miss dearly during our time away. Through this blog we hope to share our experiment in love, adventure and simplicity with you.

Stay amazing friends! See you all soon 😃