
We arrived in Brussels without much of an itinerary in mind, but it ended up being the perfect bridge between Germany and France. The city is fun and compact, allowing us to explore it largely on foot. We admired the architecture, we found all of the “Pis” statues, and drank plenty of good Belgian beers. We even met up with one of Alan’s old friends from home, who lives in a nearby town!

The Grand Place is one of the most beautiful city squares in the world, and we were just in time to admire it at sunset. The architecture is a mix of different styles, which would clash in some situations but we would argue that it adds to the beauty of the Grand Place.


Our favorite attraction in Brussels was the musical instruments museum. Inside, over a thousand instrument of all shapes and sizes from around the world are on display. An audioguide allows you to listen to them played as well! It was really well done and we can definitely recommend a visit to anyone who happens to pass by.

A classic Belgian tradition is, of course, beer. The Belgians have strongly diverged from the rigorous and rigid German beer custom and really outdid themselves in terms of beer variety. It is also of course important that each beer be served in its proper glass. We did some sampling throughout our stay.


We had a wonderful time, we’ll be happy to be back some day to eat more pommes frites, waffles, and to drink more beer!



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